Sunday, August 7, 2011

{Review} The Perfect Play by Jaci Burton

(Play-by-Play, Bk #1)
Jaci Burton
Published: Berkley Heat, February 2011
FIND IT ON: Goodreads | Amazon | B&N


The last thing event planner Tara Lincoln needs is the jet-set lifestyle of a football pro like Mick Riley; even though their steamy and passionate one-night stand proved that Mick is an all-star-both on the field and in the bedroom.

Tara played the game of love once and lost big, and she doesn't intend to put herself out there again, especially with a certified heartbreaker. But when Mick sets his mind to win, nothing will stop him. And he has the perfect play in mind to catch this sultry vixen.

My Thoughts:

Gimme just one moment to drool over this cover before I get to the juicy details.  Just one more second...there, okay, I think I can focus.  I've had this book in my possession since its release back in February.  I've read it approximately 3 times.  That doesn't include the amount of times I've skipped through it to read my favorite parts!   

Mick Riley is the man in San Francisco.  As quarterback of the SF Sabers, Mick's lifestyle is unlike what most of us can imagine.  He goes where he wants, does what he wants, and dates the hottest Hollywood starlets.  Most of it is staged by Liz, Mick's agent, and he's steadily growing tired of all the publicity.  When Mick meets Tara he's instantly intrigued by her.  She doesn't fawn all over him like every other woman he knows.  She doesn't expect him to swoop in and take care of her.  He can't resist the pull of attraction, nor does he try to.  I'd say he's smitten, but the big, bad football player would probably take offense. You know how sensitive they are about their tough reputations.

Tara Lincoln is an up-and-coming event planner.  As owner of the Right Touch Event Planners, she's worked hard to better her life and her son's.  She's as independent as a woman should be; not asking for handouts or expecting anything to come easy.  But, Tara's been hurt.  First by her son's father when he left her as a teenage mother.  Then, by her parents who couldn't accept her for who she was and the son she had.  She can't imagine a man like Mick would be interested in her.  

Mick's pursuit is hot.  Tara's willing to succumb to the passion she feels for Mick, but she protects her heart -- and her son's -- at all costs. Their relationship progresses much like a real relationship would with twists, turns, and conflict (ie. one bee-otch of an agent).  Watching as their love grew and layers of their previous lives unfolded kept the book flowing at a nice pace.  

To say I loved this book is an understatement.  The storyline is great, the sex kindled my Kindle, and all the secondary characters were just as interesting as the main players.  Mick's hunky brother, pro-baseball player Gavin, will be the man-candy in the next Play-by-Play novel, CHANGING THE GAME.  I'm a little conflicted because Gavin's lady love will be none other than Liz (aka the bee-otch agent).  Just incase you missed it, I'm no fan of hers.  One must have faith, though, and I'm certain -- considering my love for this book -- that Ms. Burton will pull it off.


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